Sunday, April 6, 2014

Am I the only one….

who is thinking that it is about time for this to be happening?

Examination of Conscience

Here is a link to the USCCB web site listing of six different ways of going about a good examination of conscience!  This includes one based on the 10 Commandments, one for consideration in light of Catholic Social Teaching, and one each for Children, Young Adults, Single People and Married Persons.  Hopefully you fit in to one of these categories!  Hopefully you have made it to the Penance Service, but even so this will possibly be useful for the next confession so it might be a good idea to bookmark it!

The Wonder of God's Creation

Here is a link to a really cool short ~ 4 min video of corals.  The beauty and wonder of God's creation!  Actually the first video is the coral, and the second one, while less "artistic" is a wonderful look in to the microscopic world of pond water....Wow! The whole site is worth a look!  Enjoy!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

What would you do with $20 found in a parking lot?

Click here to see how a young boy decided to use the $20 he found.  A short, must see video as we think of the giving of alms this Lenten season.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

And Out of the Darkness Will Come a Great Light

Fr. Barron, always worth listening to, has a very thought provoking video about the rising and more visible Anti-Catholic sentiment in our country.  How will you respond?  The gospel from today's Mass tells of light coming out of the darkness.  As we enter another "dark age" here in the United States when it comes to religious freedom we will have plenty of opportunities to let our light shine out in the darkness for the Truth.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

On a Lighter Note

We all hunger for God's mercy, and Lord knows we all need it.  We also need to be reminded of the immense beauty and raw power of His creation.  I offer for your viewing pleasure this link to Nicholas Wegner's web site and his incredible time-lapse video of Wyoming called Wyoming II.  The first one is good too….and he has a beautiful image gallery there as well.  Enjoy!

Roe v Wade Anniversary Homily

As Barbara, two of the Dominican Sisters from Notre Dame High School, and about 105 other pilgrims  including several of our OLM kids are aboard chartered buses heading back from Washington DC on an all night road trip home it is appropriate to reflect upon why they took 3 days out of their lives and went up to DC to participate in the March for Life.  Given that, I hope that you will take 10 minutes to listen to this homily given by Fr. David Carter last weekend.  Refreshing candor not often heard from the pulpit!  We must all do what we can to join the battle for the innocent lives of the "unborn."  May God be merciful!