Monday, February 21, 2011

They did WHAT at Berkeley?

This little read/view was interesting given our discussion on Sunday about the ways in which we are called to be the salt and light of the world!  How many of us are willing to do something like this?
Traditional Marriage Stand
Please have a look, then post a comment, just like on the book blog!  I am curious to see what you all think of this!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Football FANatics

Folks, this was too good not to share with you!  Please have a look at this post from our friend Msgr. Pope, whose blog should be bookmarked on your favorites list.  In the wake of Super Bowl Sunday, this is a wonderful reflection:

Have a wonderful couple of weeks, and please keep us in your prayers for safe travel!


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Looking ahead to Feb 13 and Feb 20

As of class time today, following thorough discussion, we will cancel class next week, Feb 13, as I will be out of town for the next two weeks and the kid's classes are apparently cancelled.

We will take up the topic of Vocations and discipleship the following week of Feb 20, and this post by Msgr. Pope is a wonderful follow up topic to take up.  So please have a look at this blog post and the videos at the end.  I passed out a printout of the blog at class today for you to have, and of course we may need a volunteer to facilitate the discussion for Feb 20 as I am not sure what shape I will be in having just gotten home sometime late on Saturday.

So there is a little homework for you and you have 2 weeks to have  a look at it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Topic for Class Feb 6

We will take up the topic of Vocations, and I would like to use the linked blog (Fr. Damian J. Ference) to start the discussion.  As you will see from reading this, there are many ramifications for discussion here.  I am sorry for the late posting of this!  It has been a very busy week.  I will print out several copies of this for those who did not have time to check in here for the assignment.  Please do bring your own copy if you can!
See you tomorrow!