Sunday, August 26, 2012


I assume you have seen in the news that there is something of an issue with women religious and that somehow that mean old Vatican is attacking them.  Or so the secular press puts it.  For those interested in delving in to this a bit (and we all should, as our non-Catholic friends are sure to ask!) here is a great little piece that does a great job summarizing the issues and provides a series of  links to prior coverage by The National Catholic Register:  Vatican Attacks Nuns!? by Dan Burke

Fixing Catholic Boredom

Here is a link to a an article about putting our Faith in to action and I believe it speaks to some of the issues that we are currently wrestling with as a Parish Community here on Lookout Mountain.
Well worth a read:  Fixing Catholic Boredom in Six Easy Steps by Randy Hain

Raising the Stakes

This is worth a look, especially for parents with children approaching or in child bearing age.  It is a good comment on the state of or our culture and asks how we, as faithful Catholics, will respond.
Please check it out:  Raising the Stakes by Anthony Esolen