Sunday, December 9, 2012

Faith and Works

While we are at it his blog contained a link to another piece from November titled Faith or Works? A Different Approach .  Again by David Bonagura.  Again, EXCELLENT.  I do not know about you, but having recently gone around in the ring with several die hard Presbyterians (as this, like worship of statues and Mary always comes up!) the clarity that he brings to our side is wonderfully refreshing.  Read here how it is the Reformers who actually think that it is their work that will get them to heaven!  Incredible!  

Immaculate Conception

Here is an excellent and thought provoking blog by David G. Bonagura, Jr. on Catholics, Protestants, and Immaculate Mary that appeared in The Catholic Thing yesterday on the Holy Day of Obligation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.  In my view the second paragraph explains a lot about our tendency to simply talk in circles when it comes to the points of Christian Theology that we disagree on.  It is much like trying to put a log back together after it has been split in half in a log splitter or by an ax or wedge driven down the center blow by blow.  Please give this a good should come in handy for you as you work to explain your Catholic Faith to some of our Protestant brothers and sisters.