Sunday, December 22, 2013

Duck Dynasty

Well you would have to be living under a rock not to have heard about the controversy surrounding the GQ interview with Phil Robertson, head of the Duck Dynasty clan.  Check out this blog post by Patrick Archbold at National Catholic Register for a little perspective.  While we are at it, what if anything, are YOU going to DO about it?  Have you talked to anyone about it?  Have you sent a note to A&E or to Cracker Barrel (also cancelled Duck Dynasty from their stores) expressing your thoughts on the matter?  Are we going to participate in the culture war or will we be silent about the teachings of the Catholic Church?

This just in...before I could post this word came out on the blogosphere that after initially pulling the Duck Dynasty merchandise from their shelves Cracker Barrel has caved in to VOCAL pressure from their customers and returned said merchandise to their shelves.  Interesting....we can have an effect if we will simply speak up!

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Joy of the Gospel

Please take a look here as Fr. Barron comments on Pope Francis and the New Evangelization.  Well worth the time as we look to the revitalization of OLM and picture the future of the Parish.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Here is a good little video on Suffering.  Well worth a visit!  And a good explanation
 why we have the crucifix so prominently displayed in our Churches.

Vatican Survey

Please follow this Link to the Atlanta Archdiocese Web Site for a short message from Archbishop Gregory and a direct link to the Vatican Survey.  Please do follow up and complete the survey! As Fr. Shuler said this morning, it is remarkable!

You are Omnipotent.....Huh?

We are all omnipotent!  Really?  How can this possibly make any sense?

Here is a thought provoking perspective by Fr. Dwight Longenecker on the impact of and meaning of God's omnipotence, our being created in God's image, free will and obedience. When you put all four of those together some interesting things begin to happen!  Read on!

Read the 4 Gospels in a Year

Here is a little way to get accomplish a wonderful task, reading all 4 Gospels in one year!  Sign up here for this free service and get in your Gospel (with commentary) reading every day!