Sunday, April 6, 2014

Am I the only one….

who is thinking that it is about time for this to be happening?

Examination of Conscience

Here is a link to the USCCB web site listing of six different ways of going about a good examination of conscience!  This includes one based on the 10 Commandments, one for consideration in light of Catholic Social Teaching, and one each for Children, Young Adults, Single People and Married Persons.  Hopefully you fit in to one of these categories!  Hopefully you have made it to the Penance Service, but even so this will possibly be useful for the next confession so it might be a good idea to bookmark it!

The Wonder of God's Creation

Here is a link to a really cool short ~ 4 min video of corals.  The beauty and wonder of God's creation!  Actually the first video is the coral, and the second one, while less "artistic" is a wonderful look in to the microscopic world of pond water....Wow! The whole site is worth a look!  Enjoy!