Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Class on October 25

We will be out of town at the 7th Annual Deep in History Conference in Columbus, Ohio this weekend. This is put on by the Coming Home Network International and Marcus Grodi. The title is "The Pillar and Bulwark". We are really looking forward to this and will bring a full report. In the meantime, Judy Anderson has graciously agreed to lead the session after Mass this coming Sunday. Our topic will be Sola Scriptura and we will look at some of the passages listed in Oatis starting on page 122. We will likely continue this for a couple of weeks, and I will do what I can to bring back a distillation of the conference for you all as well.
Anyway, have a wonderful week and I will see you all next time. Please come to class on Sunday ready to discuss this with Judy! Have fun!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fr. Barron on Protestantism and Authority

I just found a wonderful 8 minute discussion by Fr. Barron on Protestantism and Authority. It ties in very well with our discussion this morning.
Please have a look at if you can. Copy and paste in to your browser.
Here is the youtube link:

He has some wonderful short videos on his website, and he is very clear in his thinking and develops his ideas using logic and thoughtful analogies.
I am going to add his site to our links list at some point (it is getting late and I am tired!), but for now here it is:

Getting Started

Well folks, here is our own little blog out there on the World Wide Web for all to see. It is my hope that this will be a useful tool for all of us in our study of the Catholic faith. Please check in to the Blog regularly and I will be sending you, via email, the blog postings. In the future this will replace the emails that I have been sending in hopes that this will be more efficent. Please feel free to decline and we can certainly remove you from the list. I do hope, however, that you will stay and participate not only in the class meetings and discussions but here as well. There is a comment section and I would love to see it used for such, including questions that you would like to see addressed, comments on specific topics that you find of interest, suggestions on web sites or other material to link this blog to and whatever else suits your fancy. This could include images, as I can certainly post some of those as well if you will be so kind as to send me a digital file of same. I will be adding more material to the site soon, including some great links.