Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Who told you you weren't beautiful?

WOW!  We all know about this stuff, but to see it happen is truly amazing.  Please take one minute and fifteen seconds and watch the video link at the bottom!!  ALL need to see this, but especially those with teenage children and young adults in the family....male or female!

At the end of this video you can link to this one:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei6JvK0W60I&annotation_id=annotation_372272&feature=iv

This is a link to Msgr. Charles Pope, from the Archdiocese of Washington.  We will  be linking his blog to ours, as he is one of my favorites.  He is consistently "on the mark" and has a fantastic collection of links to timely and thought provoking images and short videos.


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