Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We try to organize everything else, why not...

Organize our prayer time?  Msgr. Pope's blog suggests that we do this according to the way our Lord instructed.  5 Steps.  Have a look and give it a try. Also, as a real bonus take a few minutes and listen to the Our Father sung in Aramaic.
More later on class for this week.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

CS Lewis Lecture on March 31

Details to follow but please set aside Thursday March 31 in the evening (7:30 pm start of lecture) for the Annual CS Lewis Lecture at UTC.  This program is run mainly by our Protestant brothers and sisters, but this year they seem to have slipped up :-) and let a Catholic give the address, and a well known converted one at that.....

Peter Kreeft!!

He is a wonderful apologist for our Faith and should not be missed.  We are, to use Mark Twain's phrase, going to "postpone all other recreation" and attend!  I would hope that you will do likewise and that we will see you there.  His talk is entitled:  What is Joy Good For?

Oh, did I mention that admission is Free?  You can't beat that!!

Parents of Middle and High School age Kids

I came across this post by our friend Msgr. Pope on New Advent recently.  For those of you raising children for whom the spectre of college looms in the near, or even the distant future, please have a look at this thoughtful look at the state of education in our colleges today.  The Moral Threats of College Life-What are We Doing To Protect Our Young People>
What does it profit a person to gain the whole world and lose his soul? (Mark 8:36)
Words worth considering......

Class for Sunday March 13

We wil be continuing the preview of Fr. Robert Barron's series "Catholicism" this week with the second DVD viewing.  The topic is "Mary, The Mother of God".  Please come and journey across the globe with Fr. Barron and come to a deeper understanding of our Blessed Mother and her role in the Church, and therefore of her role in our own lives.
One housekeeping note, I will be out of town on the 20th of March, so next week we will need a volunteer to facilitate going through the study questions.  I will be bringing the workbooks for part two this week, and yes, there is a "cheat sheet" with the answers for the lucky volunteer who will lead the discussion.  So no excuses!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bride of Frankenstein (1935) - Monster & the Blind Hermit

We were discussing the Beatitudes in The Dead Theologian Society this morning, focusing on "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted." (Matt 5:5)  This particular video clip from the Bride of Frankstein was mentioned by Joe Novenson as a wonderful portrayal of Christian Charity.  It has some very Catholic overtones, have a look, see what you think, and be sure listen to the music and watch for the Crucifix!  Please post a comment or two for me!