Thursday, December 1, 2011

Here is your answer.....better late than never!

St. Justin Martyr in about the year 150, only about 
55 years after the last of the New Testament books
was penned!  To my reading this is essentially and 
almost EXACTLY what we do in the Mass TODAY, 
each and every day.  Please follow this 
From there you can also read the writings of St. Cyril of
Jerusalem on the Real Presence and St. Ambrose on Eucharistic
Remember what Cardinal John Henry Newman said, roughly paraphrased:

"To be deep in the history of the Church Fathers is to cease to be Protestant."

So, have the courage to stand up to the lies you are told about how Catholics "added to" the Faith and challenge those who say such things (charitably of course!) to go read the Church Fathers for themselves.

All of this should fit in nicely with Fr. Wise's class on Wed nights.  We are
at the Church 
It should be very interesting.  
I hope to see you there!


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