Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sunday January 22

We will move to Lesson 7 in the DVD series.  This week we will have a lot to cover, as the lesson is titled: Word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven:  The mystery of the Liturgy & The Eucharist!  So be thinking of the Mass, what are we doing there and why?  What really happens on the altar?  What is to happen after Mass? (I am NOT thinking of brunch at the Club!  :-) )

Read John 6.  A couple of times!

I suspect we may break this in to two parts again, but we shall see.  It may make sense to let it go all the way through so that we get the full sense of it from Fr. Barron.  This is one of the best ones yet, so plan not to miss it.

See you on Sunday!

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