Sunday, February 28, 2010

Back from Ireland

We are back after a wonderful trip to the Emerald Isle, and can report that it is a wonderful place to visit, even in the dead of winter!  We saw most of the northern part of Ireland, and wish that we had had more time to spend most everywhere that we went.  The relative, actually total, lack of competing tourists made things smooth but then again some things were simply closed for the season.  Going to Mass was an important part of the journey and each one that we attended was wonderful and special.  Different, of course, and yet the same in that awesome Catholic way!

That is by way of an excuse for not posting a blog entry for awhile.  Sorry for that!  At our last meeting on Feb 21 we talked about Fr. Robert Barron's Word on Fire ministry, and I shared some of the DVD content with the class about his exciting project to tell the Catholic story from within.  I have added his site to our link page, please go there to learn more and check out some of his wonderful short homilies on You Tube.
Here is the link to the one we discussed:   Fr. Robert Barron on Taking the Disipline

We will be having about 7 more sessions before the break for the summer.  Here are the dates that we are scheduled to have class:
March 7, 14, 21
April 11, 18
May 2, 16

In our discussion last week we kicked around ideas for the completion of the year, and tentatively decided to use the remainder of our sessions this year "looking at" a variety of Catholic Apologists.  I will introduce them to you with some information about them, where to find them on the web, lists of their books and other ways that you can access their content.  When possible I will try to bring something to see and or listen to from them for class so that you can get a "feel" for their style and content.  There are many wonderful folks out there ready to supply us with marvelous thought provoking ideas meant to help us along in our faith journey.  I, for one, find this to be very exciting, but also a tad confusing....after all we only have so much time and there is so MUCH out there!  As I have said before in class, to try to take it all in is like trying to drink water from a fire hose!!  I think the trick is to find several who "work" for you and then make a habit of visiting their blog or web site on a regular basis to check in on what they have to say.

I will be doing the same and trying to post things that I find interesting here, so another hope of mine is that we will use this site to communicate with each other not just now during  "school season", but that we can continue to learn and dialogue with each other via this blog through the summer and the entire year for that matter.  Our on going Catechism does not end simply because school is out.

In an effort to kick start that I am going to quit sending you the content of this blog in an email (with the exception of Marykatharine has no computer) and will simply send you an email notifying you of the new posts as they go up.  So please come here often and DO leave some comments with your thoughts and concerns!!

Yours in Christ

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