Sunday, February 28, 2010

Steve Ray

Here is the information that we used as the basis for our discussion today on Steve Ray.

Like Scott Hahn,  Ray  is a former evangelical who came to find the Truth of Catholicism in an intellectual quest for Authority.  He began to delve in to the writings of the early Church Fathers in an effort to prove the basic tenants of Protestantism, and instead found, to his consternation and surprise, the teachings of the modern Catholic Church.

Google:  steve ray catholic

Here is the link to his web site, just click on his name below.  I have added it to our link list.  Check it out...there is a real wealth of information on his site.

Steve Ray

Crossing the Tiber
Upon This Rock
St. John’s Gospel, Bible Study and commentary
The Papacy Learning Guide
Faith for Beginners, Understanding the Creeds

DVD Series:  The Footprints of God

Audio CDs:  Multiple

Travel:  Hosts Biblical Lands Pilgrimages (5th Gospel)



  1. These are great posts, Steve, so thanks for keeping them going.

  2. Jim
    You get the prize! First one to comment!!! Thanks for taking the time to have a look and drop a line! Now where are the rest of you??

  3. it works fine Rabs
