Thursday, February 9, 2012

A small collection of links on the HHS Mandate

Here we have a small grouping of links to videos about the current crisis.

First we shall see Nancy Pelosi struggle in vain to avoid answering a really good question.

And here we have none other than Fr. Z asking the question that most of us have been keeping to ourselves or asking only of our most intimate of friends.  See the video and her own statement of direct support of Obama and his mandate.  Learn about Canon Law 915!

Need a really good overview of just what is involved in our struggle with Obama and the HHS Mandate?  Have a look at The Vortex.  This is why every thinking citizen in this country should be outraged at this, unless of course that citizen is a Socialist and wants to live under a secular dictatorship.

Here is a link to a blog with a video clip from, of all places, MSNBC in which Eric Metaxis compares what is happening in the US now to the early developments in Nazi Germany in the 1930's.  Watch and be afraid.  It is happening here and now.

Here is an interesting secular business article (no video) on how the Catholic Church just might be right about birth control.

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